Sure I love Japanese culture, the music, the food, the fashion, the language, the tv, ect... I think it's great! But does that really make me a weeaboo? Because I like the color pink and I like Hello kitty? I don't run around pretending I'm Japanese. I don't tape my eyes and dye my hair black and say "Kawaii desu~~*<3" everywhere. I don't pretend I'm an anime character and run around bugging the crap out of everyone.
I love long pretty curly wigs and girly clothes, The fashion in Japan is a passion of mine. I love circle lenses and sanrio brand items. I would do anything to see Namie Amuro in concert just once, she is my idol. I just want to fit in somewhere.. My hobbies make it hard. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of a person, if people make fun of me or call me a "weeaboo" I just laugh it off. But fitting in is important too... Maybe I can find that place some day? For now I'll just blog things that make me happy. As a reminder to myself that it's okay to be different. I'm sure others like the same things I do somewhere!