Sunday, December 6, 2009

new blog!

Hello~~!! So, I've been wanting to start a blog for some time now. I need a place where I can rant, sift out my thoughts, and share my excitement for things! I feel like I need to keep track of my ever so busy and congested life, blogging it feels like a perfect way for me to keep up with it. Unfortunately I might use it to bitch and complain a lot, there are lots of people and things in my life I need to rant and complain about, since I like to avoid conflict and would rather just keep it inside, It's probably better for me to get my rage out somewhere so it doesn't stay pent up inside of me forever until I EXPLODE!! I would use facebook for such things, but there are people I'm friended to that shouldn't read a lot of my rantings, thus the whole avoiding conflict thing.. ANYHOW! HELLO BLOGSPOT!!

My rant today consists of a bunch of bullshit that makes me so angry I could just scream! x( I've been sick lately, thus I had to take a leave of absence from work. That= not so bad. but 2 days ago I threw out my back! and yes, I mean granny style, can't walk, can't move, can't do anything for myself, type -back-throwy-outy. which sucks since I'm only 20 years old. It happened once when I was 17, but I didn't anticipate it happening again so soon. I can only blame my large..melons for such travesty. I'm ticked, cos I went to work, and informed them that hey, my back is still a bit quirky, since I kinda threw it out the other day.. so if I'm slow, please bare with me! later in the day, one of my lesser managers progresses to say, "we need reliable employees around here. RELIABLE." and stressed this point several times. I was so angry, I turned around and refused to speak to him. EXCUSE THE FUCK OUT OF ME FOR THROWING MY BACK OUT. like I did it on purpose? seriously.. fuck you. Don't patronize me for missing work when I couldn't even WALK. because if that same thing happened to him, he wouldn't be capable of working either, and he would call in as well. But of course it's okay when it's him. People are gay, "the man" is gay, I hate corporations, who don't take their employees health into consideration at all. We're worked like dogs everyday, our payment is table scraps, and if we get sick, we work anyway. Throwing up? hay no biggie, we'll just make you work near the food so that you get nauseous! Got a fever? oh it's cool, we'll station you near the door so you can feel the cool breeze roll in every time someone opens it! Corporate America is bullshit, the end. I can't wait until I can move to Sweden.

Another thing that really steams my broccoli, my room-mate is a bitch. We all pay (there are 3 of us) equal amounts of bills, rent, ect. but she rages about the heat. it's nearly just as cold in the house as it is outside, but we apparently aren't allowed to turn the heat up over 70 degrees Fahrenheit.. just becos her room is the warmest room in the house. TOO FUCKING BAD LADY! she doesn't give a shit that we're freezing, just that she's too hot. There's this nifty invention called a FAN, or better yet, open a fucking window if you're too hot! She's so self centered it drives everyone else in the house nuts, and we hate living with her. Her lame ass excuse is, "oh, I'm small and I get warm really easily. you two have more body fat so you can deal with the cold better, and if you get cold just put on a jacket." ...excuse me, a jacket? in my own home? I pay to live here, if I want to be warm and comfortable I'll turn the fucking heat up to 72. She's just rude, and crass, and has absolutely no tact or sense of selflessness. I can't wait to move. Hope she's happy with 'settling' with a man she's barely even dated or SEEN in person for that matter. Good fucking luck with that. plus I feel sorry for the poor guy whose putting a ring on that finger.

ANYHOW~! I've ranted the good rant, and I feel a little bit better after getting all of this bologna out of my system! :D tootles for now blogspot<3

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